Step 4

Sales Prototype

We make an advanced prototype of your product that looks and functions like a sales-ready product

Basic Summary

The most important step of The Inventor’s Journey™.

If you have a truly commercially viable product concept and  people haven’t taken you and your invention seriously up to this point, this is where that changes.

One mistake it’s easy for you to make is thinking that your invention idea, on its own, is enough to get you to success. But the truth is, people don’t take you (or your invention) seriously until you have an ACTUAL FINISHED PRODUCT.

One of the main reasons for this is that, whilst your invention is hugely important to YOU, and you yourself can see the unbelievable potential of it, other people’s minds will tend not to be able to make that LEAP OF IMAGINATION that you can make.

That’s why this step (and service) is so important- because if you have an advanced prototype that looks and functions like a sales-ready product, they no longer have to make that ‘leap of imagination’ to understand the true value of your invention and how incredible it can be- the value is there for all to see!

You’re on the page for step 4 of The Inventor’s Journey™, the newest theory of Helmut Einshiin™!

Coming Soon! – The video of how Einshiin™ solved the invention equation and how it helps you and your invention.


PerfectProduct™ Advanced Prototype

The PerfectProduct™ Advanced Prototype Service is the most important step in The Inventor’s Journey™.

With the final product design locked in, we now create a prototype that looks and functions like the final, sales-ready product. This is a big moment and could completely change your situation.

How It Works

1. Minor Changes

If any changes have happened to the design since the proof-of-principle prototype was done, those adjustments will be made, in line with what the final design will be.

We may also make some slight amendments to the design due to any different methods of how the product will be prototyped, compared to the earlier proof-of-principle prototype.

This part of the service culminates in one of our designers creating a photorealistic render of the final design of your product. This serves two purposes:

  1. It sets the vision in stone for what will be prototyped, making sure that everyone agrees with the final design before the prototyping starts
  2. In some cases, these 3D renders can be used as supplementary disclosure when it comes to you trying to launch your invention in the next and final step, (eg by licensing or crowdfunding). The renders can even be used to show different designs, colours, etc of the product.

2. Prototyping

With everyone agreed on the final design, we create an advanced prototype that not only looks like the final product but also functions like it. In some cases, (and dependent on the nature of the product), we may also design and make packaging for the product as well.

This step is crucial in The Inventor’s Journey™ because the advanced prototype will be at the absolute epi-centre of the presenting of your product, eg for crowdfunding or licensing. It’s also crucial because, if your product concept is truly commercially viable, presenting with an advanced prototype is far more powerful than presenting with just words, or graphics, or a basic Proof of Principle prototype.

If your invention product is truly commercially viable, completion of this important step brings you one huge step closer to launching your product successfully and can SHIFT THE POWER in your favour.


Real Results from Real Inventors

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