Step 1

Patent Search

The Inventor’s Journey™ starts with a patent search, to see if your idea is new and patentable
(But you need a really good patent search, or it could pollute your whole patent journey)

Click to go straight to the video Bob mentions, Deadly Mistake #2 (Getting a Bad Patent Search) to see how to avoid this mistake

Basic Summary From The Captain

Moving ahead with your invention is a big decision. It’ll mean expending a significant amount of time, money and effort on patenting and product development. So this is a REALLY important moment in your Journey, even right from the get-go.

And even if your invention is developed into a world-class product, if you don’t get high quality patent protection, it may mean that future competitors can simply ‘steal’ your invention concept and compete with you in the market.

Because of this, you probably want to know right from the start whether your invention is in with a chance of being patentable, and the way to check that is with a high quality patent search.

That’s why The Inventor’s Journey™ starts with a patent search at step 1- we know how to get things done in the right order to give you and your invention the best chance of winning.

You're on step 1

Complete the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™ to get your invention to market!


PerfectPatent™ Search

Our PerfectPatent™ Search service is a highly structured and comprehensive patent search that gives you powerful feedback on the potential patentability of your invention.

What makes our patent search unique is how closely it replicates how the patent office searches your invention, giving you patentability feedback on a feature-by-feature level.

How It Works

1. Free Consultation

We kick-off with a free consultation where we dive into your invention, in-depth. Very quickly, after understanding your invention, we start to define it in patenting terms. This includes drafting a ‘claim 1’ for your invention. This is a sentence that defines your invention in its broadest scope and could ultimately get you perfect patent protection in your full patent application if the patent office allow it for patent. This claim will define the scope of your PerfectPatent™ Search.

2. Drafting Up to 10 Claims

We identify the next most important inventive features of your idea, creating up to 9 more claims, (called ‘dependent claims’), to go along with your claim 1. If your claim 1 (your invention concept in its broadest scope) doesn’t come back clear from the search, we’ll search the dependent claims too, giving you feedback on patentability of the next most important inventive features of your invention.

3. Conducting the Patent Search

We conduct a thorough patent search of your patent claims. One of our patent searchers is a former patent office examiner, making it even closer to being like an official patent office search. Your ‘claim 1’ will be searched, to see if you can get ‘perfect’ patent protection. If it doesn’t come back clear, the patent searcher will search your next most important features in the dependent claims, to see if they may be patentable. This can give important feedback in terms of what your best patenting strategy should be.

4. Analysis & Results Document

After receiving the search results, we include the findings in the PerfectPatent™ Search Results document, providing a concise patentability analysis. Our aim is to keep this section brief and clear, avoiding the complex, long-winded reports that often confuse inventors. On reading it, you’ll know within minutes where you stand.
The concise patentability analysis report written by Jethro after the patent search service was the most impressive thing about the service. The whole report was no more than 3-4 pages with clear indication of whether any of the reports were related to the patent that I’m pursuing! I would definitely recommend this service to all inventors! It was done in very short period of time, too.
Steve Na

5. Providing the Results

On receiving the second payment, we deliver the PerfectPatent™ Search results document to you. An optional consultation can be provided to discuss the results if needed.

6. Next Steps Guidance

The results document also includes directions for the next step if the results suggest your invention may be patentable – moving to get patent pending status with a provisional patent application.



Real Results from Real Inventors

Denise Davis
Denise DavisUSA
My only regret is that I didn't find Jethro and the Inventor's Journey sooner! While I knew the patenting process was complex, I was unaware of how delicate this journey is. The right steps with properly chosen words are key to protection. While I realize that there are no guarantees in the patenting outcome, I do believe that I have chosen the right resources with Shiine and guidance from Jethro.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

Jethro is astute. He will turn over every stone. He also educates the inventor through each step. Outstanding!
I just recently came across SHIINE® ENTERPRISE online and I am very happy to find Jethro’s service and program. I didn't think anything like this existed. We started working together on my patent, and the first thing Jethro wanted me to do was to have a patent search done. Jethro educated me in the patent process and explained to me the importance of the perfect patent search. I understand the patent process a lot more, thanks to Jethro and SHIINE® ENTERPRISE.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

Jethro came up with my claim 1 for the patent search on the spot, understanding my invention fully.
Sandra Watson
Sandra WatsonCanada
Your report was exceptionally well written. Your time and dedication, honesty and professionalism to getting a thorough understanding of [my invention] has been unmatched to the point of proving incompetence with the "so called" professionals [including a patent attorney] I've dealt with to this point. ... Am anxious to see if you're as awesome with prototyping as you are with patenting!

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

Your computer skills are very impressive to me. By sending payment links and straightforward instructions, you've made up for my lack of computer skills. You've given me absolute confidence in your ability to not only [get the best possible patent protection] but to actually launch this product.
Pedro Benitez
Pedro BenitezUSA
The value of this service cannot be underestimated. This is a crucial part of the process and Jethro delivers it in a way that I could have only hoped for. Powerful claims have been identified for my patent from utilizing this service and the PerfectPatent Search has yielded excellent results in my case which I couldn't be more thankful for.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

The filtering process of determining what will work, what will not work, what has the best possibility of success, commercial success, setting up the claims perfectly for my invention for the patent search process was very impressive and fast!
Happy to have finish this step, looking forward for the next one.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

Jethro´s energy and enthusiasm when working with me, making sure I understood as much as possible about the application
Steve Na
Steve NaUSA
The PERFECT PATENT SEARCH will help you to pin-point the exact direction of your patent. Furthermore, it will give you peace of mind and assurance that your monetary investment will be well worth it in future. I learned that every step of the patent writing and invention must be well planned out and carefully executed with a help of seasoned pro like Jethro L Bennett and his team members.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

The concise patentability analysis report written by Jethro after the patent search service was the most impressive thing about the service. The whole report was no more than 3-4 pages with clear indication of whether any of the reports were related to the patent that I’m pursuing! I would definitely recommend this service to all inventors! It was done in very short period of time, too.
Jethro has done a fantastic job with the PerfectPatent™ Search, it was not only quick and efficient, but done very thoroughly as well.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

I was very impressed by the thoroughness of the search and the valuable feedback provided.
I just read through the search results and see the potential Thank you for all your hard work your are truly making a difference in making a change in the process. Thank you again.

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

Fast review and straight to the point
Gary Williams
Gary WilliamsUK
I spent a lot of time researching who could help me on my Patent journey and I'm 100% certain I made the right choice. The expertise and support, both from a patent aspect as well as a very deep and insightful understanding of what my invention is about has given me a huge amount of confidence that I can get my idea patented. The Patent search report is very detailed and vital in ensuring no time is wasted later in the process. Jethro's help and support has been invaluable and I feel I'm in good hands.!

Anything in particular that you liked, or found impressive?

The level detail and hands on support has been fantastic, a very personal and indepth service.
Ready To Start The Inventor’s Journey™?

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why you can trust SHIINE® and The Inventor's Journey™ to navigate you through the Invention Development maze with the best possible chance of success:

A patent search is very important because the results of the patent search may decide whether you want to go ahead with your invention.

If you knew you couldn’t get any patent protection at all, would you want to go ahead with product development and trying to launch your product? For many inventors, the answer would be no. That’s why we do a patent search first- to try to get feedback right from the get-go, as to whether your invention concept is patentable.

Our patent search is special because it replicates, as much as possible, how an official patent search is done at the patent office. Did you know that when you file your full patent application at the patent office, they don’t search your drawings or your written description of your patent application? They actually only search what’s in the ‘claims’.

The claims are a special part of a patent application. Each claim is only one sentence. It defines your invention a bit like a shopping list, listing the special combination of features that your invention has that you hope no one has ever come up with before. If the combination of features you list has never been done before, and if what you claim is deemed to include an ‘inventive step’, then you may well be granted a patent for that special combination of features!

In the PerfectPatent™ Search service, we do exactly the same thing- we define your invention, right from the get-go, in a ‘claim’. (We just miss out the drawings and written description as that would take a long time and cost you a lot of money!). That claim then defines the scope of the patent search- so it’s a highly targeted patent search.

But it gets better- we also draft extra claims, (called ‘dependent claims’), which define the next most important inventive features of your product concept. What does this mean? It means that if we find that your main claim (and therefore your main invention concept) is not new and not patentable, we continue to search the next most important features of your invention concept, to see whether important patent protection for them may still be possible. Again, this is just how it’s done at the patent office. So the PerfectPatent™ Search is as close as you can get to an official patent office search, without all the time, effort and cost that goes with filing a full patent application.

See some reviews below from inventors who got the PerfectPatent™ Search.

Yes. The reason is this- the results from your PerfectPatent™ Search that we do in step 1 of The Inventor’s Journey™ will often define the patenting strategy when it comes to drafting your FULL patent application.

To give an example, if prior art (previous stuff) is found in your patent search, it may well lead to us narrowing the scope of the patenting strategy to patent your invention, (whilst still trying to get your invention incredibly important patent protection). This can make it more likely we’ll be able to get you the best possible patent protection because it means we can focus the patenting strategy on that particular area.

And in the unlikely event that the patent search results show that an inventor’s invention concept is not new at all and is therefore not patentable, we would not want that inventor to lose time and money going for a full patent. It would be better to save the money and go on The Inventor’s Journey™ again with another invention!

If you want to understand this more, this video shows why it’s important to do a patent search even before filing a provisional patent application. But it’s even more relevant in terms of getting a patent search done before going for a FULL patent:














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