Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
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I created The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™ to protect you (and many other inventors) against these mistakes that are pretty much impossible to avoid when you start out as an inventor.
I’m very lucky and glad that I watched [Deadly Mistake #1] just in time. It opened my eyes about Davison and Inventhelp with George Foreman.
I made many of these mistakes myself, but the bigger problem is that there are many ‘inventor help’ companies out there that will position themselves as if they’re the solution to you getting success with your invention, when in fact their own way of moving forward often makes multiple of the mistakes you see in this program. In other words, if you let them lead you, your almost 100% likely FAIL in terms of getting success with your invention, even if your invention’s a great product concept. (If you don’t believe me, see Davison’s less than 1 in 1000 success rate in Deadly Mistake #1- an ‘invention help’ company that turn over more than $50 Million per year from inventors like yourself. (The most recent info we have for their success rate now shows they have a less than 1 in 3000 success rate for their service where they typically charge customers like you $8000-$16,000).
So there was a deep ‘need’ in me to make this program, even though many people have told me it’s not good marketing to focus on a negative!!
But The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™ program serves an even more important purpose- it’s PREPARATION for you to start the REAL Journey you’re supposed to go on- The Inventor’s Journey™- the 5 step system I’ve created to give you and your invention the best possible chance of winning.
The vision I have for this industry is that every single inventor, (like you), will be able to get ‘up to speed’ very quickly on these problems/mistakes, making you almost ‘immune’ to making any of them. From there, we can then focus on doing things right, and taking your invention through the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™, starting with the PerfectPatent™ Search service at step 1.
I hope you enjoy The 7 Deadly Mistakes program. We’ll start with the negative, and move onto the positive (and trying to WIN with your invention) from there.
Director of SHIINE®
Creator of The Inventor’s Journey™
Inventor, Product Designer, Elite Patent Specialist
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Your Official patent office results as standard within 2 months instead of 2 years
Free acceleration of American and Foreign patenting if your UK patent gets allowed
We’re renowned for getting you the best patent protection possible
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
The UK Patent Office are one of the best patent offices in the world, and one of the fastest. Given there’s an agreement between the UK Patent office and almost all the other major patent offices in the world that if your patent application is deemed ‘allowable for patent’ at the UK Patent Office you then get free accelerated processing at the other patent offices, it just makes sense you start by getting your patent searched/examined at the UK Patent Office, and only file at the others, (eg the USPTO), once you’ve got feedback from the UK Patent Office that your patent is deemed allowable.
That’s simple. They don’t know what I know. And the reason for that is that I’m an INVENTOR who was forced to undertake the patenting of my first invention myself, all on my own. Because of that, I learnt how to do things in the best interest of the inventor, (ie myself). Many patent practitioners do not know how to do things in the absolute best interest of the inventor
I’m a former academic scholar who broke some records when I was young and was a top grade straight-A student through the major school examinations in the UK educational system. I also won the only scholarship place available to the prestigious preparatory school Summer Fields, in Oxford.
My background in Ancient Greek and as a scholar gave me a huge advantage in becoming skilled in a legal field, (ie Patenting).
The fact the UK Patent Office (UKIPO) is so fast, (and such a high quality patent office), allowed me to get into the patent prosecution/examination phase extremely quickly, and for many patent applications, and therefore to become ‘skilled’.
I now have 23 granted patents (that I’ve drafted, filed and prosecuted to grant) to my name, where I’m either the sole inventor or a co-inventor, and I’ve drafted, filed and prosecuted around 40+ patent applications to grant, mostly at the UK Patent Office, but including over a dozen at the USPTO where I’m the/an inventor. Remember- it’s about QUALITY, not QUANTITY. As I always say, fear the patent attorney that’s had a thousand patents granted. (It must mean they spend almost no time on each one if they’ve had that many granted).
Yes, I worked alongside patent attorneys many times. There’s actually a U.S. patent attorney who takes care of multiple clients of mine for filings they have at the USPTO. (But we also have a package that allows you to file your own non-provisional patent application at the USPTO once your UK patent application has been deemed allowable for grant, if you want to save money on patent attorney fees).
One of our patent practitioners, (usually a patent attorney), drafts your patent application and files it for search and examination at the UK Patent Office. We request acceleration. (This comes at no extra charge). The acceleration means your results will come back, as standard, within 2 months. (This is extremely quick compared to standard processing at the USPTO, for example, which usually takes 1-3 years to get your results back). However, as you can see, we’ve had many results come back far quicker than the two months, with many coming back within only one month, and the fastest being only 28 days from when the application was filed.
Imagine having your official patent office results from one of the best patent offices in the world in your hand, within a month, (and then being able to get free accelerated patent processing at the USPTO and many other patent offices, based on your results from the UK Patent Office.
Yes. But that’s not even the biggest advantage of this service. Whilst it’s true that, due to an agreement between the UK Patent Office and the US Patent Office, you can get free acceleration of your US patenting if your patent is deemed allowable at the UK Patent Office, the true biggest benefit of this service is just how quickly we’ll get your results back from the UK Patent Office. It means that, if your results come back clear and your invention is deemed patentable, it may give you the feedback you need to continue with prototyping and trying to license/crowdfund your invention to success.
And you have a full 12 months from your first patent application to decide whether to file at the USPTO and any other patent offices, and we can take care of that for you as well.
How Did you find this stuff out
After the injury in early 2009 and then finding out the ‘invention help’ company I had gone to had got everything wrong, leading to me having to start the process from the beginning again, I had no choice but to take on the patenting for my first invention, Discshine (next-generation shoe polisher) myself. I didn’t have enough money left to hire a patent attorney again.
Being based in the UK, it turns out our home patent office is one of the best (and fastest) patent offices in the world. So I was able to get very ‘skilled’ very quickly. My background as a scholar and in Ancient Greek also helped a lot.
The key thing is I found out (and know) the best way to do things from the inventor’s point of view. Many patent practitioners don’t know some of these things. In fact, as we speak now, the last patent practitioner I spoke to on a call, with a view to him providing patent services for inventors who come to SHIINE®), didn’t even know about being able to get official patent office results from the UK Patent Office within 2 months.
Because I’m telling the truth, I’m extremely good at what I do, and I’m opening up a possibility for you and your invention that you won’t find anywhere else.
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
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Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
This industry (ie companies who position themselves to help inventors like you) is not what you think it is…
Letting an ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ company lead your Journey to try to get success with your invention can be very dangerous. Some of them have ‘extreme low’ success rates at generating profit for inventors, (ie making you more money than you pay them), and some have even been taken to court or been found guilty of deceptive business practice. (See RESOURCES tab, below, for U.S. court ruling against Davison).
But many of these companies know how to market to your dreams of getting success with your invention, and this can lead to you mistakenly believing they are the ‘key’ to you getting success with your invention.
You need to know their previous success rate of generating profit for inventors since this is the best indicator possible of whether they’re going to be able to successfully help you get success with YOUR invention.
Your solution to this is The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system:
It contains the exact steps you need to do, and crucially, in the exact order you need to do them, to optimize your chances of getting success with your invention. It guarantees you stay on track at every moment of your Journey of trying to make your invention a huge success. That’s exactly what you need right now.
We have an elite service for you at each of the 5 steps. For example, step 1 is Patent Search, and at this step we have the best structured patent search service in the industry- the PerfectPatent™ Search service, which replicates how an official patent search is done by doing a ‘claim-based’ search, giving you ‘feature-by-feature’ feedback on the patentability of your invention.
But the key thing for now is for you to know the STEPS you have to carry out, and the ORDER you have to do them in. If you get that wrong and choose the wrong company to lead you through this Journey of trying to get success with your invention, you may well end up having a catastrophe, even if your invention has the potential to be a huge success.
So you find yourself in a situation where you may have something quite exciting on your hands. But as you can see, the so-called ‘inventor help’ industry is primarily about making money from you, not making money for you.
You’ll very quickly have to work out who your friends and enemies are on this exciting journey of trying to turn your dream into a successful final product.
SHIINE® is your friend. A leading light. And we believe The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system is your best chance at winning.
We’d love to have you aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. To get your free Inventor’s Journey account, click the button below. Then fill out your email on the next page. We’ll send you your account details and you’ll get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE and test out The Inventor’s Journey™ or go straight ahead and start!
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
In this Deadly Mistake, you’ll see a video from Bob, an inventor who got a very bad patent search, warning you that you have to watch out. Here’s the lesson:
You really need to make sure you get a very high quality patent search. If you don’t, there’s a chance you’ll waste thousands of pounds/dollars on your full patent application, 100% needlessly.
Perhaps even worse, a good patent search can help you REFINE YOUR PATENTING STRATEGY, whilst still potentially getting hugely important (or even ‘perfect’) patent protection. By getting a BAD patent search, you can lose this opportunity, which could lead to you not having the focus you need on key features of your invention in your full patent application to get the patent protection you and your invention truly deserve.
The solution is the PerfectPatent™ Search service, your elite service available at step 1 of The Inventor’s Journey™- the PATENT SEARCH step.
This special patent search service mimics how an official patent office search works when your full (non-provisional) patent application is filed at the patent office. We do this by drafting patent ‘claims’ for your patent search, and searching your invention claim-by-claim.
What does this mean in ‘normal’ language? It means you not only get your invention searched in its ‘broadest’ terms, you also get the next most important inventive features of your invention searched, and you get feedback on the patentability of those features as well, if your invention isn’t patentable in its broadest terms. In other words, you get ‘feature-by-feature’ feedback on the patentability of your invention.
If you’d like to get the PerfectPatent™ Search for your invention, you must become a crew member aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE so you can start The Inventor’s Journey™. Choose your plan via this link:
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
It’s tempting to think you’re only one or two steps/services from being able to license your invention- after all, your idea is SUCH an important product concept, right?
But the truth is, The Inventor’s Journey™ teaches that you’re 5 STEPS AWAY from having the best chance to achieve this.
Many ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ companies take advantage of this instinct in you, (ie that you think you’re only 1 or 2 steps/services away from your invention becoming a success), to provide quick 2 or 3 step systems, often starting with a fairly low price/low investment service, (eg a ‘patent search’ type service, or a basic ‘presentation’ PDF of your invention, at a price of $1000 or less), and then, once they have you ‘hooked’ and invested in the process, hitting you with a much more expensive service to try to present your invention in order to license it, (eg often charging you around $6000-$15,000).
These 2 or 3 step systems tend to have extreme low success rates of generating profit for inventors. In fact, some of them are well below 1 in 300 (less than 0.33%) in terms of their success rate at making inventors like you a profit.
In short, your desire to license your invention successfully + your slight lack of knowledge in how invention development works can make you vulnerable to extreme low success rate ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ companies who ‘dangle the carrot’ of licensing your invention in front of you, putting you through a process that doesn’t have all the required steps to give you and your invention the best possible chance of success, and that also costs you a lot of money.
The solution is The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system. Look at the steps again because this is your path:
The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system gives you the best chance of licensing a commercially viable product concept, with 2 prototyping steps/services, 2 patenting steps/services, and a final launch step/service.
Follow the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™ to give yourself the best possible chance of licensing your invention. And remember, you’ll need TWO prototyping steps in order to have the best chance. You may want to run to the hills and avoid any ‘inventor help’ company that goes against the teaching of the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™.
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
You may have heard from ‘invention help/promotion’ companies online that it’s a good idea to file a provisional patent application and then ‘get your idea out there’- that a ‘cheap and simple’ provisional patent application will ‘protect’ your invention so you can go public with your invention after filing one and try to get that licensing deal you’ve been after.
But there are three key things they might NOT have told you:
In Summary, if you thought you were ‘safe’ going public with your invention because you filed a provisional patent application, you’re probably fine in America because even if your provisional patent application fails to get you an early filing date for what you CLAIM in your later full patent application, the ’12 months grace period’ rule in America can act as a type of secondary ‘safety net’. However, when it comes to patenting in almost every other territory in the world, you are not necessarily ‘safe’ at all, and it is significantly possible your own public disclosure could end up blocking your own attempt to patent your invention.
Your SOLUTION to this Deadly Mistake is in the next tab.
Looking at the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™, can you see where the ‘provisional patent application’ step is?
That’s right. There isn’t one.
Back when The Inventor’s Journey™ was an 8 step system, it had a ‘provisional patent application’ step/service. (It was step 2). But drafting and filing of a provisional patent application, (which is still a service we can provide), is now only an optional step, and doesn’t feature in the 5 steps. There are two main reasons for that:
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
When I went to an ‘invention help’ company in around 2007/08, I didn’t know anything about invention development. So I let them lead the process.
They did a patent search service.
Then they did an expensive graphics package for discshine™, (my first invention).
And then they sent me off to a patent attorney to get a full patent application drafted and filed. This was done, and the patent application was based completely on the design of discshine™ as seen in their graphics package.
This cost thousands of pounds.
Only then did they do a basic build of discshine™- a proof-of-principle prototype. But the prototype revealed that the design in the graphics was not physically possible- there wasn’t enough room for a micro-motor big enough to power a shoe cleaning device.
This meant all the graphics package and the whole patent application were USELESS.
Instead of telling me about this, they just fluffed the whole project and tried to turn Discshine™ into a boring large ‘tube’ design. This is despite the fact the whole point of that first design of discshine™ was to be a ‘spinning disc’ design.
I re-designed discshine™ myself to solve the problem, but all the patenting would have to be done again, from scratch. With no money left to do this, and after having lost my health in early 2009, I was forced into a corner and had to use my academic background as a scholar in Ancient Greek to learn how to patent discshine™ myself, and ultimately patented it myself from scratch, in the UK and the US. This is what led to me becoming one of the most elite self-taught patenting specialists in the world.
My extremely bad experience with this ‘invention help’ company made me so angry, it’s what got me into this industry to try to help inventors and make invention development make sense for inventors.
Don’t let this happen to you.
Never pay for expensive services, (such as full (non-provisional) patent applications, or 3D modelling/graphics or presentation packages), before the PROOF-OF-PRINCIPLE prototype is done.. (And on The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll get a professional product designer to design your invention into the ‘perfect version’ of your product concept, and it will be THAT design that is the focus of the proof-of-principle prototype).
Once again, The Inventor’s Journey™ system, (and more specifically, the order of the steps), solves this for you.
Can you see how the ‘proof-of-principle’ prototype step comes very early in the system, with only the fairly inexpensive (and very high quality) patent search service coming before it?:
What this means is there are no highly expensive services you have to pay for before we design and build the proof-of-principle prototype for your invention. (This is very good news from your point of view, and is how invention development should be done).
On top of that, as part of our PerfectProduct™ Proof of Principle prototype service that you get at this step, one of our professional product designers will design your invention concept into the ‘perfect version’ of your product concept, if that needs to be done. (And we don’t waste your money on things like ‘presentation graphics’ at this point in the Journey- we do high quality graphics/renders later on, for your ADVANCED prototype because that’s when those graphics have most value/use, again making sure not to waste your money early on in the process).
It will then be that ‘perfect version’ that is prototyped. This makes it EVEN MORE UNLIKELY that you’ll end up having to do a ‘double-pass’ of your patenting, (ie have to file more than one full non-provisional patent application due to your product’s design ‘evolving/changing’ AFTER you’ve filed your non-provisional patent application).
The Inventor’s Journey™ saves you! It’s the ultimate ‘stay-on-track’ system because it not only has all the steps in the right order, but it also has incredibly high quality services for your invention at each of those steps.
Why not get started now? Click the button to start The Inventor’s Journey™.
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
You might think that by hiring a patent attorney, and paying anything from $5,000-$13,000 to have a non-provisional patent application drafted and the filed at the patent office that you’d be guaranteed to get the best patent protection you can get.
Unfortunately that’s just often not the case.
As someone who comes from both a creative and an academic background, I can tell you, I’ve seen some bizarre work from some patent attorneys that leaves me scratching my head. Don’t get me wrong- a really good patent attorney is potentially worth their weight in gold. It’s just that a lot of patent attorneys really struggle when it comes to working and isolating the best possible strategy or strategies to get you the best patent protection possible.
The bottom line is this:
You need to take patent attorneys off the pedestal.
It can be very tempting to HOPE that your patent attorney is going to do an amazing/perfect job on your patenting- after all, you paid them a lot of money. But the truth is, because you don’t really understand patenting at the moment, the belief that your patent attorney will do an amazing job could be wishful thinking due to you not understanding the process and finding it daunting. In other words, because you may not have a clue what’s going on, it’s just EASIER to hope/assume that everything will be done right.
But as I said, that’s often not the case.
Think about it- in Football, (not American Football, but British/world football), there must be THOUSANDS of football managers of various teams, at various levels, throughout the world. But there are only about 15 ‘special’ managers- ones that are so good that it almost GUARANTEES winning a trophy or getting into the Champions League if you hire them. Think about that- THOUSANDS of football managers worldwide, and yet only about 15 truly BRILLIANT ones.
Now think about it with patent attorneys- how many patent attorneys are there? There are around 45,000 in America alone. How many of those THOUSANDS of patent attorneys are truly BRILLIANT at getting you the best patent protection possible?
I know it may seem daunting (or even scary) to think you could pay thousands of dollars, and then not get the job done right by a patent attorney. But we have to face reality, and deal with the reality of the situation.
I’ll explain to you what I think is the SOLUTION in the tab below.
*Before I give you the solution to getting a Bad Patent from a Patent Attorney, if you haven’t seen it mentioned in any of the other videos you’ve seen, I’ve designed the LightSpeed PerfectPatent™ service so that, instead of having to wait 1-3 years to get your official patent office results, you can get them as quickly as within 18 days of us filing your full patent application, and, as standard, within 2 months. This changes your patenting (and invention) journey completely, so check that service out, at step 3 of The Inventor’s Journey™. You should see a tab for that below. And if you don’t believe this is possible, it 100% is, and check the reviews from inventors who got this service and got their invention allowed for patent in just WEEKS rather than years.
There are two aspects to how it can be made as likely as possible that you get the best possible patent protection on your invention. One aspect is on our side. The other aspect is on your side.
I will be implementing an extra level of checking/screening to check the patenting strategy (and execution of the patenting strategy) in your non-provisional patent application is configured perfectly, to get you the best possible patent protection for your invention.
The way this will work is that one of our patent practitioners, (who may well be a patent attorney), will take care of your patenting. This will include deciding on the patenting strategy, and drafting your non-provisional patent application, to try to EXECUTE that patent strategy. However, there will be another patent practitioner who’s job it will be to screen the work done by your main patent practitioner. The main focus of this will be:
This work could be done by one, or more than one, patent practitioner. And it’s highly unlikely, in the future, that the main patent practitioner will know the identity of the patent practitioner that does the screening. This keeps things clinical.
Whilst a lot of this work (ie the screening) will initially be done by me, in the future, it will be done by other patent practitioner(s), possibly ones who are considered extremely skilled and able when it comes to the art of getting the best possible patent protection for the invention.
This extra level of screening is a very good thing from your point of view.
On your side, the key thing is for you to be able to understand the CLAIMS that our patent practitioner drafts for your non-provisional patent application.
The CLAIMS of a patent application are the part where your invention is DEFINED in a single sentence, in patenting language. By understanding the CLAIMS, you effectively understand PATENTING, because the CLAIMS are by far the most important part of the patent application. Not only do they define what you are CLAIMING for patent, (ie what your patent application is requesting a patent for), but they also define the scope of the PATENT SEARCH that the examiner who examines your patent application at the patent office does.
By understanding the CLAIMS, it means you yourself can do a bit of checking/screening of the patent practitioner’s work. You might be thinking that it’s too tough for you to do, but there are a couple of resources I have that will allow you to learn this very quickly. I think these will be very helpful. Here they are:
I’m looking forward to helping you with your patenting and hope you’ll choose SHIINE® and The Inventor’s Journey™ to get your patenting done.
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
This industry (ie companies who position themselves to help inventors like you) is not what you think it is…
Letting an ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ company lead your Journey to try to get success with your invention can be very dangerous. Some of them have ‘extreme low’ success rates at generating profit for inventors, (ie making you more money than you pay them), and some have even been taken to court or been found guilty of deceptive business practice. (See RESOURCES tab, below, for U.S. court ruling against Davison).
But many of these companies know how to market to your dreams of getting success with your invention, and this can lead to you mistakenly believing they are the ‘key’ to you getting success with your invention.
You need to know their previous success rate of generating profit for inventors since this is the best indicator possible of whether they’re going to be able to successfully help you get success with YOUR invention.
Your solution to this is The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system:
It contains the exact steps you need to do, and crucially, in the exact order you need to do them, to optimize your chances of getting success with your invention. It guarantees you stay on track at every moment of your Journey of trying to make your invention a huge success. That’s exactly what you need right now.
We have an elite service for you at each of the 5 steps. For example, step 1 is Patent Search, and at this step we have the best structured patent search service in the industry- the PerfectPatent™ Search service, which replicates how an official patent search is done by doing a ‘claim-based’ search, giving you ‘feature-by-feature’ feedback on the patentability of your invention.
But the key thing for now is for you to know the STEPS you have to carry out, and the ORDER you have to do them in. If you get that wrong and choose the wrong company to lead you through this Journey of trying to get success with your invention, you may well end up having a catastrophe, even if your invention has the potential to be a huge success.
So you find yourself in a situation where you may have something quite exciting on your hands. But as you can see, the so-called ‘inventor help’ industry is primarily about making money from you, not making money for you.
You’ll very quickly have to work out who your friends and enemies are on this exciting journey of trying to turn your dream into a successful final product.
SHIINE® is your friend. A leading light. And we believe The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system is your best chance at winning.
We’d love to have you aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. To get your free Inventor’s Journey account, click the button below. Then fill out your email on the next page. We’ll send you your account details and you’ll get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE and test out The Inventor’s Journey™ or go straight ahead and start!
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
In this Deadly Mistake, you’ll see a video from Bob, an inventor who got a very bad patent search, warning you that you have to watch out. Here’s the lesson:
You really need to make sure you get a very high quality patent search. If you don’t, there’s a chance you’ll waste thousands of pounds/dollars on your full patent application, 100% needlessly.
Perhaps even worse, a good patent search can help you REFINE YOUR PATENTING STRATEGY, whilst still potentially getting hugely important (or even ‘perfect’) patent protection. By getting a BAD patent search, you can lose this opportunity, which could lead to you not having the focus you need on key features of your invention in your full patent application to get the patent protection you and your invention truly deserve.
The solution is the PerfectPatent™ Search service, your elite service available at step 1 of The Inventor’s Journey™- the PATENT SEARCH step.
This special patent search service mimics how an official patent office search works when your full (non-provisional) patent application is filed at the patent office. We do this by drafting patent ‘claims’ for your patent search, and searching your invention claim-by-claim.
What does this mean in ‘normal’ language? It means you not only get your invention searched in its ‘broadest’ terms, you also get the next most important inventive features of your invention searched, and you get feedback on the patentability of those features as well, if your invention isn’t patentable in its broadest terms. In other words, you get ‘feature-by-feature’ feedback on the patentability of your invention.
If you’d like to get the PerfectPatent™ Search for your invention, you must become a crew member aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE so you can start The Inventor’s Journey™. Choose your plan via this link:
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
It’s tempting to think you’re only one or two steps/services from being able to license your invention- after all, your idea is SUCH an important product concept, right?
But the truth is, The Inventor’s Journey™ teaches that you’re 5 STEPS AWAY from having the best chance to achieve this.
Many ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ companies take advantage of this instinct in you, (ie that you think you’re only 1 or 2 steps/services away from your invention becoming a success), to provide quick 2 or 3 step systems, often starting with a fairly low price/low investment service, (eg a ‘patent search’ type service, or a basic ‘presentation’ PDF of your invention, at a price of $1000 or less), and then, once they have you ‘hooked’ and invested in the process, hitting you with a much more expensive service to try to present your invention in order to license it, (eg often charging you around $6000-$15,000).
These 2 or 3 step systems tend to have extreme low success rates of generating profit for inventors. In fact, some of them are well below 1 in 300 (less than 0.33%) in terms of their success rate at making inventors like you a profit.
In short, your desire to license your invention successfully + your slight lack of knowledge in how invention development works can make you vulnerable to extreme low success rate ‘inventor help/invention promotion’ companies who ‘dangle the carrot’ of licensing your invention in front of you, putting you through a process that doesn’t have all the required steps to give you and your invention the best possible chance of success, and that also costs you a lot of money.
The solution is The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system. Look at the steps again because this is your path:
The Inventor’s Journey™ 5 step system gives you the best chance of licensing a commercially viable product concept, with 2 prototyping steps/services, 2 patenting steps/services, and a final launch step/service.
Follow the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™ to give yourself the best possible chance of licensing your invention. And remember, you’ll need TWO prototyping steps in order to have the best chance. You may want to run to the hills and avoid any ‘inventor help’ company that goes against the teaching of the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™.
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
You may have heard from ‘invention help/promotion’ companies online that it’s a good idea to file a provisional patent application and then ‘get your idea out there’- that a ‘cheap and simple’ provisional patent application will ‘protect’ your invention so you can go public with your invention after filing one and try to get that licensing deal you’ve been after.
But there are three key things they might NOT have told you:
In Summary, if you thought you were ‘safe’ going public with your invention because you filed a provisional patent application, you’re probably fine in America because even if your provisional patent application fails to get you an early filing date for what you CLAIM in your later full patent application, the ’12 months grace period’ rule in America can act as a type of secondary ‘safety net’. However, when it comes to patenting in almost every other territory in the world, you are not necessarily ‘safe’ at all, and it is significantly possible your own public disclosure could end up blocking your own attempt to patent your invention.
Your SOLUTION to this Deadly Mistake is in the next tab.
Looking at the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™, can you see where the ‘provisional patent application’ step is?
That’s right. There isn’t one.
Back when The Inventor’s Journey™ was an 8 step system, it had a ‘provisional patent application’ step/service. (It was step 2). But drafting and filing of a provisional patent application, (which is still a service we can provide), is now only an optional step, and doesn’t feature in the 5 steps. There are two main reasons for that:
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
When I went to an ‘invention help’ company in around 2007/08, I didn’t know anything about invention development. So I let them lead the process.
They did a patent search service.
Then they did an expensive graphics package for discshine™, (my first invention).
And then they sent me off to a patent attorney to get a full patent application drafted and filed. This was done, and the patent application was based completely on the design of discshine™ as seen in their graphics package.
This cost thousands of pounds.
Only then did they do a basic build of discshine™- a proof-of-principle prototype. But the prototype revealed that the design in the graphics was not physically possible- there wasn’t enough room for a micro-motor big enough to power a shoe cleaning device.
This meant all the graphics package and the whole patent application were USELESS.
Instead of telling me about this, they just fluffed the whole project and tried to turn Discshine™ into a boring large ‘tube’ design. This is despite the fact the whole point of that first design of discshine™ was to be a ‘spinning disc’ design.
I re-designed discshine™ myself to solve the problem, but all the patenting would have to be done again, from scratch. With no money left to do this, and after having lost my health in early 2009, I was forced into a corner and had to use my academic background as a scholar in Ancient Greek to learn how to patent discshine™ myself, and ultimately patented it myself from scratch, in the UK and the US. This is what led to me becoming one of the most elite self-taught patenting specialists in the world.
My extremely bad experience with this ‘invention help’ company made me so angry, it’s what got me into this industry to try to help inventors and make invention development make sense for inventors.
Don’t let this happen to you.
Never pay for expensive services, (such as full (non-provisional) patent applications, or 3D modelling/graphics or presentation packages), before the PROOF-OF-PRINCIPLE prototype is done.. (And on The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll get a professional product designer to design your invention into the ‘perfect version’ of your product concept, and it will be THAT design that is the focus of the proof-of-principle prototype).
Once again, The Inventor’s Journey™ system, (and more specifically, the order of the steps), solves this for you.
Can you see how the ‘proof-of-principle’ prototype step comes very early in the system, with only the fairly inexpensive (and very high quality) patent search service coming before it?:
What this means is there are no highly expensive services you have to pay for before we design and build the proof-of-principle prototype for your invention. (This is very good news from your point of view, and is how invention development should be done).
On top of that, as part of our PerfectProduct™ Proof of Principle prototype service that you get at this step, one of our professional product designers will design your invention concept into the ‘perfect version’ of your product concept, if that needs to be done. (And we don’t waste your money on things like ‘presentation graphics’ at this point in the Journey- we do high quality graphics/renders later on, for your ADVANCED prototype because that’s when those graphics have most value/use, again making sure not to waste your money early on in the process).
It will then be that ‘perfect version’ that is prototyped. This makes it EVEN MORE UNLIKELY that you’ll end up having to do a ‘double-pass’ of your patenting, (ie have to file more than one full non-provisional patent application due to your product’s design ‘evolving/changing’ AFTER you’ve filed your non-provisional patent application).
The Inventor’s Journey™ saves you! It’s the ultimate ‘stay-on-track’ system because it not only has all the steps in the right order, but it also has incredibly high quality services for your invention at each of those steps.
Why not get started now? Click the button to start The Inventor’s Journey™.
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
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Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
You might think that by hiring a patent attorney, and paying anything from $5,000-$13,000 to have a non-provisional patent application drafted and the filed at the patent office that you’d be guaranteed to get the best patent protection you can get.
Unfortunately that’s just often not the case.
As someone who comes from both a creative and an academic background, I can tell you, I’ve seen some bizarre work from some patent attorneys that leaves me scratching my head. Don’t get me wrong- a really good patent attorney is potentially worth their weight in gold. It’s just that a lot of patent attorneys really struggle when it comes to working and isolating the best possible strategy or strategies to get you the best patent protection possible.
The bottom line is this:
You need to take patent attorneys off the pedestal.
It can be very tempting to HOPE that your patent attorney is going to do an amazing/perfect job on your patenting- after all, you paid them a lot of money. But the truth is, because you don’t really understand patenting at the moment, the belief that your patent attorney will do an amazing job could be wishful thinking due to you not understanding the process and finding it daunting. In other words, because you may not have a clue what’s going on, it’s just EASIER to hope/assume that everything will be done right.
But as I said, that’s often not the case.
Think about it- in Football, (not American Football, but British/world football), there must be THOUSANDS of football managers of various teams, at various levels, throughout the world. But there are only about 15 ‘special’ managers- ones that are so good that it almost GUARANTEES winning a trophy or getting into the Champions League if you hire them. Think about that- THOUSANDS of football managers worldwide, and yet only about 15 truly BRILLIANT ones.
Now think about it with patent attorneys- how many patent attorneys are there? There are around 45,000 in America alone. How many of those THOUSANDS of patent attorneys are truly BRILLIANT at getting you the best patent protection possible?
I know it may seem daunting (or even scary) to think you could pay thousands of dollars, and then not get the job done right by a patent attorney. But we have to face reality, and deal with the reality of the situation.
I’ll explain to you what I think is the SOLUTION in the tab below.
*Before I give you the solution to getting a Bad Patent from a Patent Attorney, if you haven’t seen it mentioned in any of the other videos you’ve seen, I’ve designed the LightSpeed PerfectPatent™ service so that, instead of having to wait 1-3 years to get your official patent office results, you can get them as quickly as within 18 days of us filing your full patent application, and, as standard, within 2 months. This changes your patenting (and invention) journey completely, so check that service out, at step 3 of The Inventor’s Journey™. You should see a tab for that below. And if you don’t believe this is possible, it 100% is, and check the reviews from inventors who got this service and got their invention allowed for patent in just WEEKS rather than years.
There are two aspects to how it can be made as likely as possible that you get the best possible patent protection on your invention. One aspect is on our side. The other aspect is on your side.
I will be implementing an extra level of checking/screening to check the patenting strategy (and execution of the patenting strategy) in your non-provisional patent application is configured perfectly, to get you the best possible patent protection for your invention.
The way this will work is that one of our patent practitioners, (who may well be a patent attorney), will take care of your patenting. This will include deciding on the patenting strategy, and drafting your non-provisional patent application, to try to EXECUTE that patent strategy. However, there will be another patent practitioner who’s job it will be to screen the work done by your main patent practitioner. The main focus of this will be:
This work could be done by one, or more than one, patent practitioner. And it’s highly unlikely, in the future, that the main patent practitioner will know the identity of the patent practitioner that does the screening. This keeps things clinical.
Whilst a lot of this work (ie the screening) will initially be done by me, in the future, it will be done by other patent practitioner(s), possibly ones who are considered extremely skilled and able when it comes to the art of getting the best possible patent protection for the invention.
This extra level of screening is a very good thing from your point of view.
On your side, the key thing is for you to be able to understand the CLAIMS that our patent practitioner drafts for your non-provisional patent application.
The CLAIMS of a patent application are the part where your invention is DEFINED in a single sentence, in patenting language. By understanding the CLAIMS, you effectively understand PATENTING, because the CLAIMS are by far the most important part of the patent application. Not only do they define what you are CLAIMING for patent, (ie what your patent application is requesting a patent for), but they also define the scope of the PATENT SEARCH that the examiner who examines your patent application at the patent office does.
By understanding the CLAIMS, it means you yourself can do a bit of checking/screening of the patent practitioner’s work. You might be thinking that it’s too tough for you to do, but there are a couple of resources I have that will allow you to learn this very quickly. I think these will be very helpful. Here they are:
I’m looking forward to helping you with your patenting and hope you’ll choose SHIINE® and The Inventor’s Journey™ to get your patenting done.
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Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
Whether you're Aiming to License, Crowdfund or just go it alone, Get Your Free iJ Account™ & Take Your Invention Through The 5 Steps/Services of The Inventor's Journey™ Right Now!
Once you’ve got your iJ account™, you’ll be able to use The Inventor’s Journey™ services and system to get your invention to market and change the world with your invention!
Not only will you get to come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE to take your invention through the 5 steps/services of The Inventor’s Journey™, you’ll also get these bonuses:
We identify the next most important inventive features of your idea, creating up to 9 more claims, (called ‘dependent claims’), to go along with your claim 1. If your claim 1 (your invention concept in its broadest scope) doesn’t come back clear from the search, we’ll search the dependent claims too, giving you feedback on patentability of the next most important inventive features of your invention.
You’ve clicked on something that’s only available when you come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE as a crew member.
To access it free, click the button below and select the 10 DAY FREE TRIAL plan.
But if you want to start the 5 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™ immediately and want to jump the queue to get the PerfectPatent™ Search ASAP at step 1, select the INSTANT ACCESS plan.
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