The Captain's Journey

Meet The Captain, the creator and inventor behind SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. Disillusioned by the inefficiencies and extreme low success rates of invention help companies, he created The Inventor’s Journey™ to offer inventors the support and services they truly need, and give them the best chance of success.

Today, The Inventor’s Journey™ leads inventors towards success with expert guidance through the 8 steps of The Inventor’s Journey™ with your invention being the star of the show.

Academic and Professional

Jethro L Bennett is a combined inventor, product designer, and elite patent specialist. He is the creator of The Inventor’s Journey™ and Director of SHIINE®.

Jethro is a former scholar in Ancient Greek, educated at Eton College, Windsor, where Prince William and 20 UK Prime Ministers were educated. He is a former straight-A student in the major examinations in the UK educational system, (GCSE and A-level), and brings that ‘refuse-to-drop-a-grade’ mentality to his professional work in helping inventors, particularly in patenting, where he has a reputation for getting the best possible patent protection on any given project he works on and is favoured by many of his clients over using a patent attorney.

When 7 years old, Jethro won the only academic scholarship place available in order to win entry to the prestigious preparatory school ‘Summer Fields’, Oxford, one of the top prep schools in Britain.

Disappointment with an Invention Help Company and Origins of The Inventor’s Journey™

In early 2009, after having spent thousands of pounds with a UK-based ‘invention help’ company to get help with his first invention, Discshine™ (next-generation shoe cleaning device), Jethro was seriously injured. The injury, for a long time, looked like it would lead to a serious loss in quality of life for the rest of his life.

To make matters worse, when the ‘invention help’ company did a basic Proof-of-Principle prototype of his shoe cleaning device, it revealed that the device would need a much bigger micro-motor that effectively meant the £1500 3D graphics/presentation materials they had done and the thousands of pounds spent on the patenting, (which was based on those 3D graphics), were both useless.

Jethro re-designed Discshine™ to include the inventive solution of putting a large micro-motor into Discshine™ sideways, (this allowed for a much larger motor to be fitted in, whilst maintaining a low profile), and having a non-centrally configured gearing solution to route rotation back to a central axis of the disc. But because of the order in which the ‘invention help’ company had done things, he would have to start the whole process again. He didn’t understand why the ‘invention help’ company had not done the basic (and initially much less expensive at £500) Proof-of-Principle prototype work before the much more expensive 3D graphics and patenting steps, which would have allowed the 3D graphics and patenting to be based on his re-design, rather than the redundant 3D graphics the invention help company had created.

It was the beginning of Jethro starting to think about how Invention Development really should be done- About the steps that needed to be done, and the order in which they needed to be done, in order to maximize the chances of success with an invention, and to avoid horrible situations like the one he experienced with the ‘invention help’ company- mistakes that often lead to such huge loss of money and such pain for inventors that it knocks them out of the process altogether.

Jethro would ultimately solve this equation with The Inventor’s Journey™ 8-step system, as seen on The Inventor’s Journey™ Map (view here), which is the hub of what SHIINE® ENTERPRISE offers to inventors, with an elite service provided at each step of the Journey.

The issues Jethro experienced with the ‘invention help’ company, and the money he lost with them, also provided a lot of the motivation behind creating The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™ program, which regularly saves inventors up to $10,000 or more and is free for all inventors to have.

Forced Into A Corner To Become a Patent Specialist

Having lost his health, and with little or no money left after losing around £4000/$5000 with the ‘invention help’ company, Jethro was forced to undertake trying to patent Discshine™ himself. Leaning on his academic background, and with his specialisation in Ancient Greek being particularly helpful, Jethro drafted and filed his own patent application for Discshine™.

After going through multiple examination phases for his own inventions at his home patent office, (the UKIPO), he quickly became very skilled at patenting.

At time of writing, Jethro has now drafted, filed and prosecuted around 40+ patent applications to grant, at multiple patent offices. Whilst most are UK patents, he has also drafted, filed and prosecuted around a dozen or more patent applications to grant (where he is involved as an inventor) at the USPTO, (United States Patent and Trademark Office). He has also filed at PCT international Phase and filed at the UK, US, Canadian and Australian patent offices at PCT National Phase.

As an inventor, Jethro currently holds 23 granted patents.

Jethro is also heavily motivated in helping inventors with patenting, not just with providing elite patent work and services himself, (in which he has achieved exceptional results for many inventors, and for which he has extremely good reviews), but also in terms of the patenting systems and services he designs, which include the PerfectPatent™ Search service, (which replicates how an official patent office search is done, with a ‘claim-based’ patent search), and the LightSpeed PerfectPatent™ service, which can get inventors official patent office results in as quick as 18 days after filing, (and can lead to accelerated patent processing at the USPTO and other major patent offices), rather than the 2-3 years American inventors often have to wait for official patent office results.

Jethro has also created video-based patenting programs, such as iPatentPending™, (full name iHaveThePower™ to get Patent Pending), and iPatentWriter™, (full name iHaveThePower™ to Write my own Patent), that allow inventors to become skilled in different areas of patenting.

Discshine™ Successfully Patented By Himself

Jethro ended up patenting the sideways mounted motor and non-centrally configured gearing solution of Discshine™ by himself in both the UK and US, and also patenting the unusual lighting system of Discshine™ in both the UK and US. In total, he got 2 UK patents granted, and 4 US patents granted.

Product Development and Prototyping

Jethro also does a lot of product design work, including concept design, 3D modelling and 3D printing. He does his 3D printing on a state-of-the-art Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 3D printer.

He specializes in taking invention concepts disclosed to him by inventors, turning them into the ‘perfect design’ of the invention, and prototyping them. His skills and experience in patenting then allow him to carry out the whole patenting process himself. This has won a lot of favour from many inventors who prefer to use Jethro than use separate product designers and patent practitioners, which can lead to extra cost and communication problems that can potentially cause issues in the patenting.

Origins of SHIINE® and Seemingly Miraculous Return To Health

In around the second quarter of 2010, after Jethro’s life had clearly started to be pointed towards helping inventors and the start-up inventor industry, but still suffering badly from the physical effects of the injury he had suffered more than a year ago, whilst walking down the street, a vision appeared to Jethro of what can now be seen as the SHIINE® logo, appearing in hot green, burning like the Sun, fully animated and in finished form. Within perhaps not more than a week or two of SHIINE® appearing, Jethro found a solution that allowed him to effectively overcome the most problematic symptom of the injury he had suffered in early 2009. It became clear he was going to be able to lead a full life. Not only that, but the problems that he had gone through had re-aligned Jethro’s life into a direction he would not previously have taken- helping the start-up inventor industry.

It also set about a chain of events, including incorporating SHIINE® and SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, and a highly creative period, where Jethro was heavily inspired by the mission that now lay in front of him.

In this period, Jethro also designed a lot of physical products, (both his own and for other inventors), an ability he had not seemed to have in the time before SHIINE® appeared.

‘First Contact’ With The Pirates of The Inventor’s Journey™

At some point in 2010, Jethro came across the website of an ‘invention help’/promotion company called Davison, and came across Davison’s financial figures and success statistics. The information was disclosed publicly by Davison themselves due to legal requirements in America that require them to do so.

On looking through their figures, Jethro noticed that, in the 5-year period mentioned in the figures, for their main service where they typically charged inventors (‘consumers’) $7000-$15,000, Davison had a success rate of less than 1 in 1000 (less than 0.1%) at generating more money for inventors than what they paid Davison. And it seemed that almost all of them were losing all their money.

Their 2014 figures (featured in Deadly Mistake #1) suggested Davison turned over more than a quarter of a billion dollars ($250 Million+) in the 5-year period that the figures focused on. The information even stated that, over the company’s history since 1989, up to that point only 31 customers were known by Davison to have ‘received a net financial profit as a direct result of the company’s services’.  That meant only 31 known successes over a 25-year period.

Jethro became highly motivated to set things straight in the start-up inventor industry and stop this from happening. This remains a key motivating factor for Jethro.

The most recent figures we have seen for Davison show their success rate has gone even lower and is now less than 1 in 3000, (less than 0.033%).

On The Inventor’s Journey™, ‘Invention Help/Promotion’ companies with extreme low success rates are often referred to as ‘The Pirates’ of The Inventor’s Journey™. Davison are featured in Deadly Mistake #1, but are not the only one. Jethro often states that Deadly Mistake #1 is the first thing inventors should look at, when it comes to starting out with their inventive endeavour.

Message From Jethro

If you’re an inventor starting out, if there’s one thing you should do to start, that would be to get into The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™ program. It’s free and it’s not a gimmick. It will save you a huge amount of pain and stop you making the mistakes I did when I started out, and that thousands of other inventors have made. You’re not BORN with the knowledge of how Invention Development works. You have to LEARN it. Simply putting your trust in an ‘invention help’ company in this industry to ‘do it right’ is often akin to suicide (from an inventive and financial point of view). To know how to do Invention Development right, you’ve got to start by learning and knowing what NOT to do, and there is no better way of learning that quickly and effectively than The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™ program. You need to get into The 7 Deadly Mistakes now, or you will almost inevitably pay the price- not just the almost inevitable loss of money you will experience, but worse still- the fact that, as an inventor, you may never get to know just how good your invention could have been.

A warrior needs to be on the battlefield. If you’re an inventor, you need The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™.

The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™

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