The Innovative pet care solution

Pet n Clean™ is an innovative pet care solution that simplifies the traditionally challenging task of washing dogs. It’s a unique all-in-one shampoo, pump, and cleaning station that features a pressure-activated cleaning glove. The invention also includes a selectable distance spraying feature from the glove, great for cleaning areas you might not want to touch!


Navigating The Patenting Process

One significant aspect of The Inventor’s Journey™ is navigating the patenting landscape. SHIINE® ensured that Pet n Clean™ attained extremely high quality patent protection, including perfect US patent protection of the concept of the fluid-outputting hand device being configured for both pressure-activated outputting and selectable distance outputting. This involved preparation of comprehensive patent applications in the US and UK, and responding to patent examiners’ queries.

The result was extremely positive, with 3 patents granted in the UK and 2 in the US for Pet n Clean™, attesting to its innovative design and function.


Innovative Solution

Pet n Clean™ is an excellent example of an innovative solution to a common problem. Product design and prototyping work was done on the project, and its successful patenting in particular, (which involved the filing of a continuation-in-part patent application at the USPTO, leading to perfect patent protection of any hand device with the combination of pressure-activated fluid outputting and also selectable fluid outputting from a distance, not even limited to the field of pet cleaning), shows SHIINE®’s relentlessness in pursuing the absolute best possible patent protection that can be achieved for any given project.


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