The PerfectPatent™ Pending Service

Patent Pending In As Quick As A Week
So No-One Can Steal Your Invention

Our PerfectPatent™ Pending service is designed to get your invention ‘patent pending’ status. This service includes drafting and filing a provisional patent application that you can later ‘claim priority’ back to in your full patent application.

1. Drafting the Provisional Patent Application

Based on the results from the PerfectPatent™ Search, we draft a provisional patent application for your invention. This application will establish your patent pending status for the next 12 months.

We’ll embed into your provisional patent application the ‘claims’ that were drafted and searched in your PerfectPatent™ Search, and will take into account any change of patenting strategy that came from the results of your PerfectPatent™ Search. We do this to get you ‘perfect’ patent pending status, making it more likely your provisional patent application includes disclosure of the ‘perfect’ patenting strategy that you hope to get patented later, in your full non-provisional patent application. This, in turn, makes it more likely you will get the ‘early filing date’ of your provisional patent application for that ‘perfect patent’ claim that we hope to get granted for you later in the process, giving you the best chance of beating any ‘intervening prior art’ from other inventors that dates between your provisional patent application filing date and your NON-provisional patent application filing date.

Drawings are also included.

2. Filing and Gaining Patent Pending Status

After you’ve reviewed the application and we’ve made any necessary amendments, we file the application through the patent office’s online filing system. As a result, we secure an official patent application number and 12 months patent pending status for your invention. Proof of this status is provided in the official patent office filing receipt, which we will forward to you.

3. Emotional Relief and Confidence

Achieving patent pending status can bring significant emotional relief to inventors. Filing of the provisional patent application to get an ‘early filing date’ for your invention at the patent office gives you the best chance of beating anyone else to the punch in patenting your invention, and alleviates the fear of someone else coming up with a similar idea or revealing it publicly, which can jeopardise your patent rights.

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