Not all patent searches are created equal

Different providers will provide different quality patent searches. You need to be very careful about getting your patent search done by bad quality patent searchers, who don’t have the determination or the know-how of how to do a high quality patent search.

Be Careful of ‘Bundles’

As a general rule, if a company/provider ‘bundles’ something else in with your patent search, (eg a ‘market research report’ or an ‘evaluation’), run to the hills- it’s likely they’re bundling these things in with your patent search to create ‘perceived value’, to make you THINK you’re getting something of high value, (and also possibly to justify charging you a higher price). At SHIINE®, we don’t bundle anything in with your patent search- we just try to do an amazing, high quality patent search, to give you the best feedback possible as to whether your invention is patentable.

A Long Results Document Is Often a bad sign

This is often another give-away that your patent search was done by a low quality provider. If your patent search results document is very long, (eg dozens of pages long), it’s likely a lot of it is basically a boiler plate template they use, and that the document is very long to again create ‘perceived value’- ie to make you think ‘’Wow!! These guys must have done so much work on my parent search- look at how long the results document is!!’’. This is NOT how results should be provided. Did you know that the patentability results that the UK Patent Office, (one of the best patent offices in the world), sends out are usually only around 2-5 pages long? What you need is a CONCISE results document that lets you know, very quickly, exactly where you are in terms of the patentability of your invention. So it’s a BAD thing if a provider sends you a really long patent search results document, and it can also make it really hard for you to know exactly where you stand, in terms of the patentability of your invention. You want PRECISION and CONCISENESS in your results.

It must be a WORLDWIDE Patent Search

Some patent search providers will only search the USPTO database for your patent search. But there’s a big, big problem here, and that is that, when you try to get a patent in any territory (eg America), the patent office examiner will do a WORLDWIDE patent search, and if they find ANY prior art that shows your invention isn’t new, from ANY country, that will block you being able to get a patent. In other words, if you file at the USPTO to get U.S. patent protection, if the USPTO examiner finds prior art from Germany, for example, or by an inventor from China, for example, that shows your invention isn’t new, then that will block you getting a U.S. patent, and will block you getting a patent ANYWHERE. So you need for your patent search to be a WORLDWIDE patent search.

Our Patent Search Is Special

The solution for your invention, (to avoid getting a bad patent search), is the PerfectPatent™ Search, our service at step 1 (patent search) of The Inventor’s Journey™.

I designed this service myself, and to explain what’s really happened here, I’ve literally designed the PERFECT patent search service. And you won’t find it anywhere else, because we do what’s called a ‘claim-based’ search for your invention. ‘Claims’ are the most important part of patenting your invention- in fact, your ‘claims’ are what the patent office examiner at the patent office uses, to do their patent search. So the PerfectPatent™ Search REPLICATES how an official patent office search is done. But the reason you won’t find the PerfectPatent™ Search anywhere else is because patent attorneys tend to not charge any less than around $1500-$2500 to draft ‘claims’ for your invention. It’s considered the most elite and important part of the whole (non-provisional) patent drafting process.

But I wanted to create the PERFECT patent search service. So I started offering this service, at a very reasonable price, including drafting claims. Once the claims were drafted, I even then had them searched by a former UK Patent Office examiner, to make this service even MORE like an official patent office search. We’re very lucky to have him. We call him ‘Examiner X’, and he’s also a former software specialist for the RAF, so he has an impressive technical background. He worked at the UK Patent Office for 4 years, and is very passionate about maintaining his skills as a patent searcher, and helping this industry, including start-up inventors like you.

Please see the breakdown below if you want to know more about the PerfectPatent™ Search service, and how it will work for your invention, from start to finish, including starting with a Free Consultation.

What I think you’ll really love about it is that we don’t just search the ‘broadest scope’ of your invention- we even search the NEXT MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIVE FEATURES of your invention, and give you feedback on those too. What does this mean?- It means, even if we find out that your invention is not new/patentable in its broadest scope, we give you feedback on whether you can get slightly more limited (but potentially still very important) patent protection on your NEXT MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIVE FEATURES. We then potentially SWITCH the patenting strategy to get you perfect patent protection of those things. In my experience, inventors LOVE the specificity of this, and you can’t get it anywhere else. (See reviews from some inventors who got the PerfectPatent™ Search below, and see the videos).

Oh, and did I say that you get $300/£250 OFF the PerfectPatent™ Search service if you get through the 7 Deadly Mistakes interface and submit the basic form at the end? (Plus another £100/$150 off us drafting a provisional patent application to get you patent pending after your patent search).

The PerfectPatent™ Search Service


Our PerfectPatent™ Search service is a structured, comprehensive approach that gives you powerful feedback on the potential patentability of your invention. What makes our patent search unique is how closely it replicates how the patent office searches your invention.

1. Free Consultation

We kick-off with a free consultation where we dive into your invention, in-depth. Very quickly, after understanding your invention, we start to define it in patenting terms. This includes drafting a ‘claim 1’ for your invention. This is a sentence that defines your invention in its broadest scope and could ultimately get you perfect patent protection in your full patent application if the patent office allow it for patent. This claim will define the scope of your PerfectPatent™ Search.

2. Drafting Up to 10 Claims

We identify the next most important inventive features of your idea, creating up to 9 more claims, (called ‘dependent claims’), to go along with your claim 1. If your claim 1 (your invention concept in its broadest scope) doesn’t come back clear from the search, we’ll search the dependent claims too, giving you feedback on patentability of the next most important inventive features of your invention.

3. Conducting the Patent Search

We conduct a thorough patent search of your patent claims. One of our patent searchers is a former patent office examiner, making it even closer to being like an official patent office search. Your ‘claim 1’ will be searched, to see if you can get ‘perfect’ patent protection. If it doesn’t come back clear, the patent searcher will search your next most important features in the dependent claims, to see if they may be patentable. This can give important feedback in terms of what your best patenting strategy should be.

4. Analysis & Results Document

After receiving the search results, we include the findings in the PerfectPatent™ Search Results document, providing a concise patentability analysis. Our aim is to keep this section brief and clear, avoiding the complex, long-winded reports that often confuse inventors. On reading it, you’ll know within minutes where you stand.
The concise patentability analysis report written by Jethro after the patent search service was the most impressive thing about the service. The whole report was no more than 3-4 pages with clear indication of whether any of the reports were related to the patent that I’m pursuing! I would definitely recommend this service to all inventors! It was done in very short period of time, too.
Steve Na

5. Providing the Results

On receiving the second payment, we deliver the PerfectPatent™ Search results document to you. An optional consultation can be provided to discuss the results if needed.

6. Next Steps Guidance

The results document also includes directions for the next step if the results suggest your invention may be patentable – moving to get patent pending status with a provisional patent application.

Beginner’s Patent Search (Free tutorial)

When you come aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE as a crew member to start The Inventor’s Journey™, you get access to several free things, including the Beginner’s Patent Search PRO tutorial and a high quality downloadable NDA. This tutorial will show you how to use a couple of basic ‘keyphrases’ that describe your invention to do a quick (and almost fun) patent search on Google and Google Patents.

To get access, just complete The 7 Deadly Mistakes interface and when you submit the basic form you’ll see at the end, you’ll be emailed login details to the ‘register’ page on SHIINE® ENTERPRISE. You can then choose whether to become an instant crew member and start The Inventor’s Journey™ immediately, or go for the 10 Day Free Trial to test it out first. Either way, you’ll get access to the beginner’s Patent Search PRO tutorial.

Here’s your free starter pack you’ll get:


Our Starter Package

Bonus Video

In this video, Linnea will take you through the 3 most important things in getting a high quality patent search. You should not allow anything less than this in the patent search for your invention. Your invention is SPECIAL. And so’s our patent search. Don’t accept any old patent search from any old company.

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