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Beware The Pirates!!

A lot of these ‘invention help’ companies that position themselves as the solution for you to patent/license/develop your invention are NOT set up primarily to make money for you- they’re set up primarily to make money FROM you. Many, (especially in America) have had interactions with the Federal Trade Commission, and either gone to court or been shut down on account of DECEPTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICE towards inventors like you. (See EXTRA RESOURCES tab for U.S. Court finding against Davison, initially ordered to pay back $26 Million in redress to customers). In other words, the ‘invention help’ industry is as close as you could imagine to actually being a false industry. You have to be very careful, because it will be tempting to think ”That’s not happening with me- the company that are helping me with my invention are good and nice people.” But the reality is, it’s more than likely it IS happening with you.

Here are some of their success rates at generating profit for inventors/customers:

(Click the yellow boxes for more info)

The Equation Has Been Solved

I solved the EXACT STEPS you need to do, in the EXACT ORDER you need to do them, to optimize your chances of getting success with your invention. It’s called The Inventor’s Journey™. It’s an 8 step system, and it pretty much GUARANTEES you and your invention stay on track to Invention Success, and makes it almost impossible to go off-track!

Yes, we charge money, (we have to, since there’s a patenting, product development or launch service at each step, to get your invention through The Journey), but it’s a far more ‘success-centric’ model, all about optimizing the chances of you getting success with your invention.

I HIGHLY recommend you go on The Inventor’s Journey™, rather than using any other company/system. It will guarantee you stay on track the whole way.

Initial court judgment of FTC (Federal Trade Commission) vs Davison. Davison initially ordered to pay back $26 Million in redress to consumers  – See Here


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